43Users and why are the numbers so different?
4,203 people in 1,099 cities want to meet 4,572 people including...
31,160 people in 4,074 cities are going to 8,162 places including...
178,249 people in 4,383 cities are doing 294,999 things including...
Comments: :
Hi Adrian - I think it is mostly birthdays and the natural rate of dispersion (they all grow slower at first and seem to accelerate through word of mouth as they catch on), but we'll have to wait and see. 43 People is definitely a different beast than 43 Things.
Take a look at the traffic graph on Alexa and you can see that 43 People reached it's current level of traffic in a shorter time than the other 2 sites.
Of course, part of that is that the other 2 sites helped attract users to the 3rd.
Thanks for the interest.
Thanks for commenting. The 43 brand certainly helps propagate anything 43. I think 43People has a higher barrier to participation than 43Things, and so many already have profiles online someplace that they may see 43People as nonessential.
43People also suffers from some confusion: is it celebrity or is it long-lost friends or... It's a bit "missed connections," a bit friendster, and a bit about name-dropping. A system that works off three different social themes is bound to have some difficulty attracting users. It's hit the point at which listed people represent a mishmash, perhaps too much of one. There's little celebrity appeal in 43Things or 43Places, and that I think helps (you cant name drop "berlin")
Well done!
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